General Filter Tuning

This article describes the process of using the SOTA Hub’s filter tuner.

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 of General X-ray Image Quality Troubleshooting*

  2. Using the filter tuner capture a bitewing x-ray with the relevant device selected, see Figure 1.

  3. Click the “Auto Adjust” button to automatically configure gamma for this x-ray head

    Figure 1


    1. If a message appears warning you of an underexposed image (Figure 2), check the following:

      Open image-20230503-154340.png
      Figure 2


      1. The x-ray head exposure time is set correctly.

      2. The x-ray head is positioned at the end of the ring holder set and correctly aligned with the sensor

      3. The image is free from cone-cut and was taken with correct technique factors

    2. If all the items in 3a are correct, you may proceed with the auto adjustment.

      Figure 3


  4. Verify the image gamma is correct. Reference Figure 4. Specifically:

    Figure 4

    a.       There should be nearly black/black sections between the teeth

    b.       The dentin-enamel junction (DEJ) is clearly discernible

    c.       The periodontal ligament is clearly distinguishable from the cementum and the lamina dura

    d.       The pulp horns are clearly discernable from the dentin


If any item in a-d is not right, manually adjust the gamma slider to fine-tune the gamma.



5. Adjust sharpness to the preference of the doctor(s) who perform(s) clinical evaluation of X-rays.

6. Save your settings.

7. Capture an image in your imaging software to ensure correct image transfer and successful saving of settings. If you notice unwanted differences between what you see in the filter tuner and what you see in your imaging software, try:

a.       Turning off extra filters in the imaging software

b.       Reducing the sharpness/contrast of the images in the filter tuner (and saving that settings change) then taking a new image in the imaging software. Do not change gamma once gamma is configured correctly.



*Needs to be updated to the HUBSPOT article once it is published.